Common Spring Chimney Issues

Maryn Williams • May 11, 2015

Common Spring Chimney Issues

Seemed like the rain was never going to stop. Phew! It’s good to see the sun again. But before we forget the recent barrage of spring storms (with plenty more to come), it’s a good idea to consider the health of one of our most frequently overlooked home maintenance items: the chimney.

The chimney performs several vital functions. A chimney deteriorated by constant exposure can be a potential safety hazard — such as direct contact with water and water penetration. Water is often introduced to a chimney from other areas of the home. You would probably notice interior leaks during those rainy days. What you might not notice is pooling water on the tops of your chimney cap. Damaged gutters, overflowing gutters, downspouts dumping water near or on the chimney, and even gutters that are not sloped away from the chimney, can also introduce water to your chimney in damaging ways.

Results of misdirected water in your chimney:

  • Deteriorated metal or masonry firebox assemblies
  • Rusted damper assemblies
  • Rusted fireplace accessories and glass doors
  • Rotting adjacent wood and ruined wall coverings
  • Water-stained walls and ceiling
  • Deteriorated central heating system
  • Stained chimney exterior
  • Decayed exterior mortar
  • Cracked or deteriorated flue lining system
  • Tilted or collapsed chimney structure
  • Foul chimney odor & smoke. (from water mixing with creosote)

The Diagnosis and Solutions:

The Flashing

Many leaks are flashing related due to poor initial application. Proper chimney flashing has two parts: The step flashing, and the counter flashing. The best practice is to cut a groove into the chimney at the top of the flashing and tuck and seal the metal into the structure.

The Cricket

A chimney cricket defers the water around the chimney instead of letting it pool at the rear of the chimney. It is a common building code that chimneys more than 30 inches wide need a cricket;

Chimney Sweeps often find that the cricket isn’t there or find that the cricket is improperly installed. Sometimes there is a cricket on one side when there should be a corner cricket.


We all see a lot of flaking chimneys in the area. Spalling is due to water absorption into the masonry. Brick are like sponge. They soak up all the moisture, when the water freezes it pops the faces of the brick off. The back-and-forth of cold-warm (freeze/thaw) is a big issue in climates such as Indianapolis.

The Flue

Most furnace flues have had moisture condensing in them for years. Furnace or boiler flue leakage can cause water problems. This leads to moisture stains on the chimney and in the home. A good solution is to apply professional grade moisture protection to masonry structures. This will definitely help prolong the life of these structures. Professional grade products allow the structure to breath, but do not allow water to enter.

The Crown

Most are cracked and are made of sand and mortar. Few have proper bond breaks. Usually, you have 2 options. If the crown seems solid and is just cracked, not falling apart, we can apply a flexible mastic. If it is not solid, falling apart, or laid on plywood or wood shingles, it should be torn off and replaced. It should be poured in a form, 4 inches thick, with a bond break and a drip edge — kind of like a soffit on a house.

The Cap

Some, made of plain steel or galvanized metal are rusting and hard to remove. Just like our rusting flashing, common chimney caps made from galvanized metal and rust in a matter of years. This can cause rust stains on the chimney. Caps keep out rain, animals, leaves and debris. Stainless steel caps won’t rust. The best chimney caps are large stainless steel multiflue caps that are custom made and completely cover the chimney top.

The Chase Cover

Instead of a masonry crown, a prefabricated chimney has a sheet metal top called the “chase cover.” Many of these covers are field fabricated and perform poorly. They are prone to water leakage, water pooling and rust. Water can show up at ceiling lines, in the firebox, and behind the louvers of the prefabricated fireplace. If customers hear water dripping when it rains it is not uncommon that the storm collar has failed. As with all vents the storm collar needs to be a proper size and sealed to shed water away from the pipe.

Inside the home: The Masonry Firebox

We need to be looking for signs of water entry. Water streaks, loose brick, or damaged firebrick can all be caused by water entry. Often the area will smell musty and damp. This is also a good time to check for more evidence of settlement. Look for separation between the profile and the firebox. This usually indicates settling of the chimney or hearth. When you are checking any factory built fireplaces, make sure you take a moment to look for rust on any surface. Also, try looking through the air circulating grills for water stains or rust; you may be surprised at what you find.

If you are experiencing any of these issues with your chimney, contact Chimney Quest today to have our skilled chimney technicians provide Nashville chimney cleaning and inspection. If you need chimney repair or upgrades, we can help with that also. To schedule your appointment, call Chimney Quest at 615-292-7411. We look forward to hearing from you!


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