If you’ve ever tried lighting a fire with wet wood – and who hasn’t – you probably understand. If you’ve succeeded in lighting a fire with wet wood, you understand something more: burning wet wood can be dangerous. In addition to the occasional explosions of steam that can send burning embers jettisoning across the room, as wet logs burn a dark filmy smoke is emitted. This is due to the production of a highly flammable oily wood-tar called creosote, which in turn rises to saturate the interior of your chimney.
Unlike wet wood, seasoned wood will not burn or singe. Instead, it will produce the long lasting smolder that all fireplace lovers prize. A freshly cut log has a moisture content of approximately 50%. The optimal moisture content for logs to be burned as firewood is 20%. That’s why the general standard for seasoned wood is logs that have aged at least six months to a year after being cut. This provides time for water and moisture contained within living wood to sufficiently evaporate.
Of course, unless you cut and season your own wood, it can seem impossible to determine whether or not the wood you are about to purchase has been appropriately seasoned. Fortunately, there are a few methods you can use to test for adequate firewood seasoning.
The first is especially fun for those who love handy little gadgets. A moisture meter, which can be found at most hardware and home improvement stores, is your best bet for an accurate, exacting result. This handy instrument will tell you the exact moisture percentage remaining within the wood, and quickly.
If you prefer to save your pennies and go the old-fashioned, tried and true route, begin with a simple visual assessment. Seasoned wood should appear to be greying with age, with a drier, brittle texture. Next, strike two pieces of the wood together. Wood that creates a dull, thudding sound is a sure sign of wet wood, not yet fit for your fireplace. On the other hand, wood that resounds with a clear, hollow, ringing sound is ripe to produce that rip-roaring fire you’ve been dreaming of.
Contact Chimney Quest today to have our skilled chimney technicians provide Nashville chimney cleaning and inspection. If you need chimney repair or upgrades, we can help with that also. To schedule your appointment, call Chimney Quest at 615-292-7411. Here’s to another safe and fulfilling fireplace season!
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